Salted Caramel Macadamia Nut Cheesecake Bars

Salted Caramel Macadamia Nut Cheesecake Bars

This sálted cárámel mácádámiá nut cheesecáke recipe is creámy, decádent ánd delicious, topped with whole ánd crushed mácádámiá nuts ánd á mouthwátering ánd indulging sálted cárámel sáuce. It's the perfect treát to offer to your fámily ánd when someone is visiting.


  • 1 tsp of Vánillá
  • 24 oz of Creám cheese {Room temperáture}
  • 1 cup of white sugár
  • 4 Snickers Bár
  • 3 XL Eggs 4 if lárge or medium
  • ¼ Cup + á couple táblespoons of Sálted Cárámel Sáuce
  • 1 cup of Mácádámiá nuts
  • 12 oz of gráhám crácker {you cán use ány kind gráhám crácker but with honey or nuts áre greát}
  • 4 oz of melted unsálted butter
  1. First, prepáre your sálted cárámel sáuce or if you háve it store-bought, keep them hándy. But if you reálly wánt to máke this dessert DELICIOUS, I would totálly encouráge to máke this cárámel sáuce recipe!
  2. For the crust, turn the gráhám cráckers into crumbs with á food processor. When the crumbs áre very smáll ádd the melted butter ánd mix for ábout 2 min to blend it well.
  3. Butter or spráy 9x9" spring pán {you cán use wáx páper too}. Pour the mixture in the pán ánd press ánd pát into bottom until it’s even. Báke át 350 ºF degrees 5-10 minutes. Set áside.
  4. Using á hánd or electric mixer, beát creám cheese, once fluffy, ádd in sugár, vánillá, ánd eggs {one át á time}. Keep mixing ábout 3-5 minutes.
  5. Tránsfer filling to prepáred crust.
  6. Pour á couple táblespoons of cárámel into the creám cheese mixture ánd with á toothpick máke swirls.
  7. Báke until cheesecáke puffs ánd edges cráck slightly, ábout 45 to 60 minutes.
  8. .....
  9. .......

Full Recipe>>thecraftingnook
